Monday, February 4, 2013

One step closer

Friday morning I had another round of ultrasound and blood work. It was my day off from work and I thought I was doing great getting to the office at five after eight. It was nothing like that week before. There was a gazillion estrogen fueled biotches in there. I walked in and they all glared at me like they would stab me to death if I got called back before them. I didn't. But, I only waited about 20 minutes. It was a long 20 minutes though. Women stare. Hormonal women stare harder. I get it. I look like I'm sixteen. Maybe. On a good day. Everyone else usually looks like they are pushing 40.  It makes me want to scream "I am almost 27! I have been married for five years! Young people have shit ovaries too! Get over it!" Instead I just try not to let any evidence show that I already have one child, because I'm afraid they might follow me home and kidnap him. Women are crazy, but infertile women at the end of their ropes are even more crazy.

Anyway,  my BFF "J" called me back for my blood draw. She got it on the first try. These women are on their A game this year! Then she joked that I should never come in early for blood draws on Monday because they are all terrible at it after the weekend. She went on and on about how by the end of the day Monday she does much better. She was irritating me as usual and I said you know it's Friday, right? She said yes,  I'm just talking about Monday. Then, awkward silence. J and I have a lot of those moments. We just clash, ok?

She sent me back to the waiting room to wait my turn for ultrasound. B called me back. I've said before, B is my favorite nurse to talk to, but I think she's my least favorite for ultrasound. She's just not that good at it and she really wrenches on a girls vagina. And she always explains what I'm seeing like I'm a moron and then we have the weird moment when I remind her I'm an ultrasound tech and I know what the hell a bladder looks like. She told me she was looking for an endometrium measurement of over 8mm. I was at 10 mm. Perfect fatty lining! Right ovary looked good. Then she spent five minutes searching for my left ovary until I reached down and pushed on my pelvis and it popped into view. I was a little full of poop. It just needed a little shove out of the way. I was getting impatient watching her struggle and I'm pretty sure I was going to need stitches if she searched any more. That one looked good and she sent me on my way to wait for the afternoon instructions after she apologized for taking so long. 

*Side note* I should throw out there that I'm always sweet as pie to these people whether they annoy the piss out of me or not. The future of my family is in these nurses hands. I strongly believe if they don't like you, you don't get pregnant.

Later in the afternoon I got my phone call. Estrogen, progesterone, LH and FSH all looked great and there was no need to come in for any further testing. I am to keep taking estradiol three times daily, wear the vivelle dot patch, start amoxicillin three times a day, and start 2 cc of progesterone in oil injections daily. They will call on Wednesday to tell me what time to be in their office down state on Friday for the transfer. My little baby Blastocysts will be thawed on Friday morning. 

So all has been going well. Very well. This has been so much easier than the fresh cycle. Although, I'm still not sure I could ever do it again. I can't help but worry that the thawing process will not go well and it will all be over just like that. I'm pretty sure if my phone rings at all Friday morning my heart will stop. All I can do is pray that they make it, and I sure am going to spend the next four days doing a lot of it.

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