Saturday, February 9, 2013


Wednesday I got the call to be in the IVF office downstate with a full belly and a full bladder at 11:15 for an 11:45 transfer. Considering the snow that was dumped on us over Thursday night. Originally we had had planned to drop our little guy off at grandma and papa's at 9am and head down to our appointment. Instead we had him there and were on the road by 8:30. I am the worlds worst passenger when it comes to driving on snowy roads. I spent the next two hours alternating telling my husband to slow down and complaining that we were going to be late and our embryos were going to die in a test tube waiting for us to get there for them. When I wasn't nagging him, I was staring at my phone willing it not to ring with bad news that our babies didn't survive the the thawing process.

We stopped to grab some McDonald's breakfast on the way, which I knew wasn't a brilliant idea since my lack of a gallbladder has kept me away from that grease pit. We got to the office 40 minutes early and had to wait in the parking lot. Now I had a full bladder and I was also trying not to shit my pants from the McGriddle and hash brown I scarfed down an hour before. My husband finally convinced me to go in and try to poop without letting any urine sneak out. I tried. I failed. Out came a little pee, and out came zero poop. So up we went to the office, me with a full bladder and full rectum. Nothing like a little comfort for a stressful morning. I changed into a gown, and hubby put his gown over his clothes. The nurse then forced me to drink another glass of water even though I ensured her I was full. Then they gave me the magical Valium I couldn't wait to get. I needed a whole bottle by then. She tried to draw my blood for baselines, twice, and then said she would try again later. We walked into the procedure room. They checked my bladder, which was more full than necessary (told ya so) and then called the doctor in. Doctor said both embryos survived and looked pretty just like their mom, and we decided to transfer them both as planned. Speculum was inserted catheter passed through cervix, all while the ultrasound probe was being pushed into my pelvis just to challenge me not to piss in their faces.  Doctor called for the embryos to be brought into the room and then they were flushed through the catheter. And it was over. Just like that. Doctor shook our hands, told us congratulations and gave us a picture of our embryos and one of my uterus with a the tiny bright spot where they were left to fend for themselves. Five minutes later they let me empty my bladder and then put us back in the recovery room to lay flat for 30 minutes. We spent that time comparing our new embryos picture to the embryo pictures from out previous transfer. We decided one looked like a girl and one looked like a boy.  A new nurse came in to draw my blood, which she got on the first try and sent us on our way. 

Bed rest for me for 48 hours and then I'm suppose to take it easy for a week to let those little ones attach themselves into my uterus. My husband has been great waiting on me hand and foot and taking care of our little man. He even baked homemade brownies because I said I was craving them. I will go in Monday morning for blood work to make sure they don't need to adjust any of my medications. Now we just wait the two weeks to be able to take an accurate pregnancy test.

All that's left to do is pray.

Babies A and B. We think A is a boy and B is a girl :)

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