Sunday, February 17, 2013

Judgement Day

I went into the office Monday morning for my first set of labs after transfer. All levels looked good and I have stayed on the, estradiol three times a day, vivelle dot patch evert three days and 2 cc of progesterone in oil once a day since then. That's not the exciting part. The exciting part is that learned the office protocol has changed. They no longer do the first HCG test 14 days post transfer. Now it's only 10 days. So I go in tomorrow morning for my pregnancy test. Four whole days sooner! I was pretty ecstatic. That meant I only had 7 days left already. I thought it would fly by.

It didn't. It still dragged on and on. I overanalyzed every single little cramp, ( which I had a ton of the first few days following transfer) every little bought of nausea (which I had a ton of all week and spent one night throwing up), and every singe mood swing (which I am still having a ton of). The mood swings I would say are the worse. I'm almost convinced I've developed bipolar disease. It's really THAT bad. Also, I have been alternating positive and negative attitudes each day it seems. One day I am convinced I am pregnant and the next I'm convinced I am starting my period. Today is a positive day. Thankfully. The negative days are hard to get through.

Tomorrow is the day. Last time they called me at the end of the day with good news and a Beta of 1,315. I know I am going to get good news tomorrow too. I also know that at four days sooner my Beta is very likely to be lower. And also last time at that point I had two babies growing that accounted for a Beta that high. I am going to try not to lose all hope if they call and give me a much lower number tomorrow.

Tomorrow, someone is going to be telling me I am pregnant. The next 24 hours will be the most excruciating of the last few months.

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