Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm bad at keeping up with a blog...obviously.

Well. I had my first pregnancy test on February 18th. They were hoping to see any level in HCG as it was still very early but said that they would like it to be at least 50. Mine came back at 262! I was definitely pregnant!!

I went back two days later and it was 538.

Five after that it was 3132.

And four days after that it was over 10,000.

So my HCG was doing what it should, doubling every two to three days.

For some reason I was still having all this doubt. I had a dream that I went to my first ultrasound and there were two gestational sacs and both were empty. Then I came down with the stomach flu. I am currently on day five of this nasty bug and just now able to drink a cup  of water and keep some food down. Over the weekend I was very dehydrated and I was certain I was killing my baby/babies but there was just nothing I could do about it.

I had my first ultrasound this morning. My husband went with me. I was a wreck because 1: I was trying not the throw up the whole way there and 2: I had the feeling everything was about to go wrong.

They were behind. Which is usual for a Monday morning because that it the only day of the week the doctor is actually there in that office. They drew my blood first. Actually, they dug and dug and dug for a vein (thanks flu) until they got just enough blood to run labs on. My arm still hurts and it's now been 6 hours.

The nurses took turns telling me I didn't look so good and got me a script for Zofran (thank you Jesus!). Doctor came in to do the ultrasound and told me he was just as anxious as I was. I politely told him that was impossible and he said ok, you might me a little more anxious. Then said alright, let's see how many are in there!! (Ever the optimist, gotta love him for that.)

He put the probe in and I Immediately saw two gestational sacs and two beating hearts. TWO. I couldn't even explain to my poor ultrasound illiterate husband what we were seeing between gasps and oh my Gods. Luckily, the doctor was quick to tell him the news and that he just knew there would be two. Doctor said they both look beautiful and are measuring right on at 6 weeks one day. They also noted that this could be the reason I'm so sick. (I'm hoping they are wrong and this sickness is gone like, yesterday!)

We are still in shock. Excited. Worried. Scared shitless, comes to mind. But, Blessed.

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