Saturday, January 26, 2013

So nice of you to join us, Aunt Flow.

My monthly, uh, every few monthly friend decided to show her ugly face on Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, I didn't get an A+ on following bodily commands and I didn't get to have my baseline labs and ultrasound on Wednesday. It probably was for the better though since I ended up puking my guts out all day Wednesday and spent the next couple of days willing myself not to shart.

So, my baseline testing was moved to Friday morning instead. (Which also changed my one week followup testing to the Friday after and I already have the day of from work. Which means, I don't have to come up with another lie to tell my coworkers for why I need more time off. One more small victory for me biotch!) Anyhow, it all turned out perfectly. I was the only patient who's uterus did not follow directions so I was the only one to show up for testing that morning. Blood draw was first, and I was dreading it because not only do they usually blow the first vein and then mangle my hand to get blood out of me after threatening to take it from my chest or feet, but throwing up and pooping yourself leaves you dehydrated and a tad difficult to draw. Yay me. But, I got the nurse who is the best at drawing blood! First try, antecubital! Really, yay me!!

Then super blood drawer herded me into the exam room to do the ultrasound. I secretly panicked a little because if my uterus didn't follow simple when to start your period instructions, why would my endometrial lining follow "how thick you should be" instructions? They want your endometrium to be under 5mm, and mine was 4mm. Check me out, all normal and stuff. Both ovaries were free of cysts and nurse said as long as my labs came back where they needed to be I would start more medications that afternoon.

Since I was out of there in record time I had some time to kill before work. I had begged a casual to pick up half a day for me and couldn't just show up early and tell her to beat it. So, I walked around target for too long, put too many things in my cart, put most of them back and then left without remembering what I really had wanted. Pampers swaddlers SIZE 4!! I was in heaven when I got the email saying they were going to start carrying swaddlers in sizes 4 and 5 at Target only and was pretty excited to try them out. Plus, if you buy 2 boxes you get a $20 gift card. I'm pretty lucky to say that was my only real disaster of the day I guess.

I got the call from my favorite nurse to talk to on the phone later that afternoon with medication instructions. I got to start Estradiol three times a day and start wearing a vivelle dot patch. Basically, I get to pump myself full of my BFF estrogen for the next week. Let us recall that the urologist blamed high estrogen levels for my kidney stones. Fingers crossed we don't have to go down that pot hole road again.

Over the next week my endometrium should be bulking up to a chunky 10mm. Let's try and follow some simple orders this time, shall we uterus?

Oh yeah, and holy fricken mood swings. Watch out baby boy and hubby.

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