Sunday, January 13, 2013

Here we go Again.

Well, it's that time again.

We are ready to take on that bitch, infertility, and give our beautiful, healthy little boy a sibling. He is seventeen months old and quickly becoming a spoiled rotten little thing. My husband and I have decided that it is time to give him a little brother or sister to share mommy and daddy with.

We met with our reproductive endocrinologist at the start of November to get the ball rolling. I went into the appointment not too sure of what we were getting ourselves into. It turns out a frozen embryo transfer seems so much simpler than the first go around since we do not have to go through the ovulation induction and egg retrieval. We already know that we have two embryos on ice, or liquid nitrogen if you want to get all technical, patiently waiting for us to come back for them.

So after some thyroid labs, off we went to wait 35 days for my period to not show up, as usual. Called the office on day 35 to schedule my next set of labs- pregnancy test. Later that day, I received the call from the office that I was indeed, not pregnant and to start taking birth control pills on December 23rd. Ironic isn't it?

A couple of weeks ago I got the go ahead to order all of my cycle medications through mail order. $1,200 later I got my big ole box of drugs via Fedex. Complete with a big stash of needles and my very own biohazard sharps container! Yay. Thanks, insurance, for covering most of the cheaper meds except for my ONE injection of Lupron (which I got at a steal for $800) what would I do without you?

This morning I began taking Vibramycin to insure I do not get an infection from my mock transfer scheduled for tomorrow morning. I always feel so lovely on antibiotics. In the morning I get to have the  sonohysterogram to insure all my mommy parts are in anatomical working order after delivery of my handsome son. Speculum in vagina, catheter through cervix, sterile water injected into uterus, all during a vaginal ultrasound. Beautiful way to start any morning, really.

Assuming all goes well, and labs continue to look good, and our little babysicles survive the thawing process, the embyro transfer should take place on February 8th. Holy crap am I nervous.

This is our absolute last chance at biological children. I can not physically, emotionally, or financially put myself through another full blown IVF cycle. The first one really took a toll on my then 24 year old body, and now two years later, I still feel about 63. On a good day. The high estrogen induced by IVF meds last time are believed to have caused my kidney stones and gallstones. I had my gallbladder removed when our son was 6 weeks old, and have felt physically ill since that day. No one seems to know why, but I feel that avoiding putting my body through the stress of ovulation induction again is important to my health.

Our doctor has faith that the FET is going to have a positive outcome. He says that the odds are as good as a fresh cycle as they are with a frozen cycle. As long as our little ice ice babies survive thawing. He is confident that at least one of the two will. I believe that part is in Gods hands only. So, please God, give our little ones some toasty warmth and bring them healthy and happy to where they belong, in our arms.

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